VACCINATION CLINIC January 27th from 1:30-4:00 pm in the Mt. Everett Cafeteria! Open to all students 5-18, families, and community members. Register here: https://home.color.com/vaccine/register/behavioralhealth?calendar=c084084b-1762-4382-904d-a2a1fe491a74
¡CLÍNICA DE VACUNACIÓN 27 de enero de 1:30-4:00 pm en la Cafetería Mt. Everett! Abierto a todos los estudiantes de 5 a 18 años, familias y miembros de la comunidad. Regístrese aquí:https://home.color.com/vaccine/register/behavioralhealth?calendar=c084084b-1762-4382-904d-a2a1fe491a74

SBRSD Closed Tuesday: Tomorrow’s forecast calls for very cold temperatures and extreme wind chills. This may mean diesel fuel will gel and buses may not run. In addition, the obligation to keep bus windows cracked open will make riding the buses way too cold. Due to these conditions, the Southern Berkshire Regional School District will be closed on Tuesday, January 11th. Upon returning to school, please make sure your children dress warmly for riding the bus in the winter. We are sorry for this inconvenience.

The first meeting of the Internship Partnership will be held on Wednesday January 12 at 6:00PM on
zoom https://sbrsd.zoom.us/j/81282281220?pwd=eml5cnY4bUFBMWtXNmJ1Y0xVNmpMdz09
Anyone interested in hearing about the program and or wanting to become a mentor please join us.

Fifth grade "People of Influence" research

First grade students are writing Flat Stanley letters to send out all over the world. The farthest letter will be on its way to Australia!
We can't wait to see the replies.

All schools, district offices, and the SBCCP are now closed today due to inclement weather..

A quick clarification: All PK classrooms are operating on a 2 hour delay today, January 7, 2022.

All schools in the Southern Berkshire Regional School District are operating on a two-hour delay for Friday, January 7th, 2022.
This includes Mt. Everett, Undermountain, New Marlborough, South Egremont and the Southern Berkshire Childcare Program.

Number practice in Pre-K

Good Morning. The district has been notified by the lab that the Routine COVID Pooled Testing results from testing conducted yesterday could be delayed. We will take appropriate steps once the results are available. Thank you for understanding.

Fifth grade students evaluated filtering materials and built a water filter prototype to test their designs.

Last week a baby goat named Mistletoe visited SBRSD

8th grade Engineering students describe their work with the Tensegrity structure A structure that experiences this form of floating compression gains strength from the chords under tension which suspend the compressed components.

Second grade students learning about Kwanzaa, a celebration of community, family and culture.

Second graders at UME have been learning about traditions. They presented some of their family's traditions this week as a culminating activity.

Gingerbread people sewed and decorated by first grade students at NMC

Grinch Day, gingerbread, wreaths....it's beginning to look a lot like – winter break!

Hard work pays off...Travis reading "Listen to my Trumpet" by Mo Williams to the band students after they put away all of the equipment off the stage from their concert the night before.

Sra. Mapstone's 6th grade Spanish students conducted in-depth research about Mexico: its culture, traditions, food, and animals.

As we prepare for the break, please review the protocols found in this link https://www.doe.mass.edu/covid19/on-desktop/protocols/protocols.pdf
for answers regarding symptomatic individuals and return to school. Please see Protocol C. Wishing all a peaceful season and restful break.