Second grade students learning about Kwanzaa, a celebration of community, family and culture.
Second graders at UME have been learning about traditions. They presented some of their family's traditions this week as a culminating activity.
Gingerbread people sewed and decorated by first grade students at NMC
Grinch Day, gingerbread,'s beginning to look a lot like – winter break!
Hard work pays off...Travis reading "Listen to my Trumpet" by Mo Williams to the band students after they put away all of the equipment off the stage from their concert the night before.
Sra. Mapstone's 6th grade Spanish students conducted in-depth research about Mexico: its culture, traditions, food, and animals.
As we prepare for the break, please review the protocols found in this link
for answers regarding symptomatic individuals and return to school. Please see Protocol C. Wishing all a peaceful season and restful break.
Volume Two is available for viewing. Educating Our Eagles, a curriculum and Instruction newsletter
Congratulations to the cast and crew of "A Christmas Carol" on three spectacular performances.
Students in the Cybersecurity I class recently earned digital badges by completing Cisco’s Introduction to Cybersecurity course. The holder of this credential has introductory knowledge of cybersecurity, including the global implications of cyber threats, the impact of cyber attacks on industries, and why cybersecurity is a growing profession. The holder has an understanding of the ways in which networks are vulnerable to attack and Cisco’s approach to threat detection and defense.
Mount Everett's Spirit Week "wrapped up" with a pep rally!
Thank you so much for the generosity of everyone who contributed to the Rotary Interact 2021 winter food drive. We are so proud to be part of such a wonderful and caring community!
Mr. Sullivan dressed as Arthur the Aardvark reading Arthur’s New Puppy to a Kindergarten class during Spirit Week
6th grade students showed their understanding of Eukaryotic Cells and the function of cell organelles in Science. Students were given the choice to create a 3D physical model or create a digital version using a C.A.D. Program.
Great job to our 7/8 music performers at last night's band and chorus concert.
Western Day at Mt. Everett and Crazy. Hat Day at UME!
photos: Señoras Spitia, Johnston, and Martin in their western wear. Mrs. Johnson's dog, showing his school spirit.
Eighth grade students have been learning about the carbon cycle and climate change in science class. Yesterday, they visited Mass Audubon's Lime Kiln Farm Wildlife Sanctuary for some exploratory learning.
SBRSD's 3rd-6th grade production of "A Christmas Carol" is in tech week. Middle/High School Assistant Directors have played an integral role in this show, helping with everything from learning lines to designing costumes.
Spirit Week continues with Mt. Everett's "anything but a backpack day".
Pooled Testing will not be conducted on December 22nd. DESE recommends that pooled testing programs are only run when the school is able to complete the entire pooled testing process from the initial pooled test through the completion of all needed follow-up tests. Given that the holiday break begins on December 23rd, Southern Berkshire will not conduct testing on Wednesday, December 22nd.