Mount Everett's #positivesignThursday for this week: "I can! I will! I am!" This connects nicely to our last few messages about setting goals. When we have the confidence to accomplish goals, we are more likely to follow through.

The Sheffield Historical Society presents “The Mohican Journey: Homelands, History, and Hope,” a free exhibit that can be viewed outdoors on the Society’s grounds September 25–October 11. The exhibit is a collaboration between the Society, Mt. Everett High School, and the Stockbridge-Munsee Band of Mohicans.

A beautiful day at NMC

8th grade art students are using a sketchbook to find and practice their own drawing styles. Adara's drawings show the progression from basic art supply observation to a more imaginative object.

Good news call home! Silas was very excited to call home to tell how he can now open packages of things at snack and lunch all by himself! He said, “I’m learning how to break into things!” : )

UME students met some new winged friends this morning at the Wingmasters presentation.
WINGMASTERS is a partnership of two people dedicated to increasing public understanding and appreciation of North American birds of prey.

Mt. Everett and UME school portrait sales are open! Check your email for login information. Purchasing prints and downloads benefits SBRSD students. 100% of profits are returned to each grade's student activity fund. This account helps to pay for activities such as field trips and enrichment opportunities, and will follow each grade through high school to support special events such as the Prom and senior trip!
¡Las ventas de fotografías de Mt. Everett y UME están abiertas! Consulte su correo electrónico para obtener información de inicio de sesión. La compra de impresiones y descargas beneficia a los estudiantes de SBRSD. El 100% de las ganancias se devuelve al fondo de actividades estudiantiles de cada grado. Esta cuenta ayuda a pagar actividades como excursiones y oportunidades de enriquecimiento, y seguirá cada grado hasta la escuela secundaria para apoyar los ritos de iniciación como el baile de graduación y el viaje de estudiantes de último año.

Mount Everett's #positivesignThursday message for this week: Nothing is impossible. The word itself says "I'm possible!"

Students in the introductory Digital Photography class practice observing and emphasizing the elements and principles of design in their photography.
Brenda, Cassie, and Tyler practiced "line" in the images shown.

SPARKS Science and Art Education begins September 22, 2021 with Jane Burke. Registration required by email to janesburke@gmail.com first come, first served basis. Maximum of ten students for each class.

"Sharks and Minnows" swimming in Physical Education class this morning.

Last week, students in Ms. Graham's Advisory harvested echinacea from the courtyard from which they created tea and tincture.

Twenty years ago today. We will never forget… 🇺🇸

Middle and high school artists got reacquainted with paint during the first week of school. They created a collaborative mural inspired by artist Jen Stark to brighten up the hallway!

Mount Everett's #positivesignThursday message for this week: "Goals. There's no telling what you can do when you get inspired by them. There's no telling what you can do when you believe in them. And there's no telling what will happen when you act upon them!"

11th grade Honors English students using play-doh to explore how "writing is a process".

SBRSD seniors showing off their school shirts.

Our elementary cafeteria has been designed with marked seats to allow for social distancing at lunch.

Great first day of school from beginning to end! We are so looking forward to a fabulous year ahead!

First day of Ceramics class and they're already getting their hands in the clay