Congratulations to Nadia Makuc, who received the Superintendent's Award on Thursday evening.

Students in Digital Design and Marketing course created videos honoring the senior class.
Video by L.B-C, C.M., L.R., T.S., T.N.

Mount Everett is hosting the Mohican Journey exhibit until June, and open for public viewing in the library. This project was in collaboration with the Stockbridge-Munsee Community and the Sheffield Historical Society. Research included a journey to the Mohican Nation with Shawn Stevens, who will be with us May 23-29th, sharing his traditions and culture in a residency with middle school students.

Digital Design and Marketing students created social media graphics for Teacher Appreciation Week!

To complete The Kite Runner and unit on Afghanistan, Honors English IV students constructed homemade kites out of recycled materials and decorated with their personal values

"In Ten Years..." - video by Logan, Aidan, and Odin as part of the Digital Design and Marketing course.
The Class of 2022 consider their futures.

Honors Physics students are applying their knowledge from previous units on Newton's laws of motion, energy transfer, and simple machines, to design and construct Rube-Goldberg inspired machines. They must have a minimum of 5 "chain reaction" elements to accomplish a simple, mundane task like turning the lights off, or dispensing hand sanitizer. The project will culminate in the completion of a detailed force vector diagram and a presentation/demonstration for the class.

Middle school students in Ms. VonRuden's Science class use the design and engineering process to develop amusement park plans.

Shane enjoying some dance time with Ms. Petty during Music.

Today we celebrate our Administrative Professionals. We appreciate all of the hard work you do each day to support our students and school.
Our heartfelt gratitude to:
Karen Frighetto
Shannon Ruane
Angel Falzone
Lynette Gagnon
Linda Hamill
Camila Tabor
Kelly Trierweiler
Makenzie Fenn

In advance of each of your respective town meetings, the Southern Berkshire Regional School District (SBRSD) has prepared this flyer to share with you on how the FY23 budget proposal was developed.

Warm Line is a service available to our district community and available now. See the details in the flyer below.

7th graders participated in Greek Week before vacation. Students were involved in many activities centered around Ancient Greek life, including performing a play about the goddess Aphrodite, cooking, and competing in Olympic activities.

There is still space for middle school students to sign up to participate in the Mohican Teachings residency with Shawn Stevens. He will be here May 23-29th to guide us in thinking and practicing with an indigenous mindset. The culminating activity will be building a wigwam at the Sheffield Historical Society. Email Steph Graham at sgraham@sbrsd.org for more information.

Yesterday's pep rally included a student presentation honoring Mrs. Petrucci who is retiring. Thank you for all that you have done for our school and students, Mrs. Petrucci. We will miss you at SBRSD!

Spring Pep Rally!

Mount Everett Design Academy, a part of the SBRSD Art Department, completed their first client project this week.
Students designed a calendar for the Monterey Community Center.
Thank you, MCC, for the delicious chocolates and for supporting our students and program!

Check out the Quail nest-cam footage time lapse!

A special guest visited Ms. Petty’s music class at South Egremont school today: Margaret Hallisey,
a North American Irish Step Dancing champion, now a modern dance teacher at Mettabee Farm & Arts and owner/practitioner of Five Element Acupuncture and the wife of SE’s paraprofessional, extraordinaire, Nathaniel Drake.
We all learned a beginners Irish jig and had the opportunity to ask questions afterwards. Thank you, Sarah and Nat for arranging, to Margaret for sharing her talents and for the students who enthusiastically joined in.